Aired on LBC radio, on 24th October 2018 as part of a 1-hour radio show on the 2019 Loan Charge.
Radio presenter and broadcaster Iain Dale was left so incensed with a statement he received from the government, he furiously screwed it up and chucked it across the LBC studio.
It followed an LBC phone-in over the 2019 Loan Charge – which sees HMRC attempting to collect billions in back taxes from contractors accused of tax avoidance.
Campaigners, such as the Loan Charge Action Group (LCAG), say thousand of self-employed workers will be at risk of bankruptcy over the retrospective rules on tax schemes.
Iain heard from one NHS doctor who broke down in tears as she told him she would have to sell her house to pay over £170k in backdated charges.
A statement from HMRC said it would do “everything to support users to settle their tax affairs”.
But, a furious Iain branded the response “ridiculous”.
“I have one reaction to that,” he said after reading the statement live on-air.
“That’s the sound of me screwing up that statement,” he added as he rolled it into a ball and threw it across the LBC studio.
Watch the moment below: